Tuesday, November 12, 2013

vacation in Chicago! entry #2

hello, readers. sorry I haven't blogged in a day, I wasn't able to blog because it was a busy day. so, rewind, wwwaaaaahhhh, okay. today, we went to the Shedd aquarium. summary: IT WAS SO COOL!!! I haven't been to an aquarium since third grade, so it was like a whole new thing to me. I've apparently been here when I was a baby, but I don't remember it at all. first we went to see the jellies. there were a ton of them. the black sea nettle (below) was my favorite because it was very pretty. next, we went to the animal show. there were lots of animals: belugas, dolphins, a seal, and even a dog!
no brain-no pain!
here is a small video of the dolphins doing tricks.
afterwards, we met an animal trainer. I asked him if I could work there when I grow up, and he said, "sure, you're hired!". here is a photo of me, him, and my brother.
a little wet!

we also went to the "amazon rising" exhibit. there we learned about the Arapima, the biggest fish in the amazon. it can grow up to 10 feet long! compared to us, it's huge. 
I knew something smelled fishy...
there were some other things, too. we saw monkeys, spiders, and even an electric eel! there were lots of cool animals there the next few pictures are some of the animals there.
beluga whales are unique because of their unusually-shaped heads.

this may look like a piece of kelp, but it's actually a weedy dragonfish!

this is a sea nettle jellyfish, known for a sting similar to nettles.

this is an Austrailian lungfish, which breathes using both lungs and gills.
 thanks for reading my blog, and have a good day!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

vacation in Chicago! entry #1

Hi, gracen here. sorry i haven't been blogging lately, it's because i'm caught up in schoolwork,(fifth grade is HARD) so i haven't been able to blog. first things first, my family is vacationing in Chicago and we are going to do some awesome stuff we have a whole itinerary, and here is some of the stuff we are going to do:

SUNDAY-field museum

uh, i'm pretty sure that's a cuss word.
MONDAY-shedd aquarium

TUESDAY-museum of science and industry


today we went to the field museum. we saw all sorts of intresting stuff like this: the somali wild ass. (swear word, i know, but it's also a type of wild donkey.) we found another animal in the gallery of mammals; the cheetah, my brother's favorite animal.
Kyan and a cheetah, sitting in a tree...
there were a ton of exhibits, and they were all really neat. some of them you couldn't use cameras in, so i'm going to describe the ones i singled out that were anti-photographic. the bioluminescence exhibit was awesome. it talked about creatures that glowed by chemical reactions happening in their bodies. some used it to attract mates, some used it to ward off predators, and some used it to find prey. the mummies were cool too. there was a realistic pyramid where you could descend into an endless abyss of facts, relics, and... MUMMIES!!  you got to learn a lot about egypt, and it was cool. to get to Chicago, we rode on a train. i haven't ridden on a train since i was 1 or 2, so it was sort of new. mom got us a cheese plate and root beer from the snack car, and she packed a ton of snacks. here is a picture of my bro and me on the train.
the business class car should be called the r&r class car!
at the museum, there was a movie showing about "sue", the biggest and most complete tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in the world. sue's roaring was so loud, i had to cover my ears! here is a picture of me, dad, and my brother at the movies.

just the three of us.....

there were exhibits you could take pictures at, too. my personal favorite was the " underground expedition". you were shrunk down to 5 mm tall, and were sent to explore the soil to collect data on creatures that hardly ever see the sunlight. as for how small we were; check this out.
this is a real pest!
we also tried 2 letterboxes at the museum, but we failed. >.<
i will now interview my brother.

me: what do you think of our vacation in Chicago?
Kyan: Good.

me: what do you like about it?
Kyan: This room.

me: what was your favorite part of the field museum?
Kyan: The Sue movie.

me: what did you like about it?
Kyan: I liked that there was a dinosaur.

me: what is your favorite color?
Kyan: Red, of course!

me: did you like the train ride?
Kyan: Yes.

me: what did you like about it?
Kyan: I liked that we got to look out the window.

me: what is your favorite book?
Kyan: Um, it's called Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

me: what is your favorite movie or cartoon?
Kyan: Um, cartoon. It's probably because they get to fight evil cyborgs.

me: what is your favorite animal?
Kyan: a panda.

me: overall, how has your day been?
Kyan: Good and bad. Because I wasn't feeling good.

me: Thanks for allowing me to interview you.
Kyan: Watch out, I think I'm gonna throw up on your camera.

thanks for reading this blog and i'll blog soon again. bye!